Many people choose the first offer available when choosing hosting. It is not a good solution. The choice of hosting should be carefully considered. In this text, we indicate three types of hosting for a website. It is worth knowing about them when you run a website or, for example, a private blog, because the choice of hosting has a large impact on the speed of displaying the “WWW” page and on other important issues, such as online safety.
Choosing the right hosting is important because as time passes, expectations towards a website change. That is why it is worth knowing the types of hosting to choose the best one for your website “WWW” and financial capacity. More about how to choose web hosting you get on
To understand what the differences between the three types of hosting are, it is worth describing them:
It is a free hosting that allows you to set up a small website with limited capacity. Usually it also allows for a small disk space that takes up tens of MB.
Free hosting has a low bandwidth, so the website may take a long time to load. Free hostings also contain advertising and do not have access to databases. That is why they are not a popular types of hostings.
Shared hosting is paid hosting, but not as expensive as VPS hosting. Thanks to it, the “WWW” site has space on a strong server, but along with many others. This type of hosting is often bought by large companies that have a server and create a lot of websites on it for their clients.
The disadvantage of this solution is the lack of private resources on this server. In practice, you have to share RAM and bandwidth with other people. This affects speed and comes with a viral threat.
Another type of hosting is VPS which is the best of all web hosts. It is shared with other people, but allows each user to have separate resources in the form of RAM and disk capacity. Using it does not affect the speed of the website.
These types of hosting types are used by large and well-known companies on a daily basis. Importantly, they are served by companies with which it is possible to quickly contact in case of any problems. VPS hosting gives each user a separate administration panel as well as login and password. Experts point out that you can find great deals at HostingCoupon.Codes
for hosting for websites. It provides a variety of coupons from different stores with huge discounts.Different types of hosting differ in price. For people who run a hobby and private website with a small number of visits, free hosting is sufficient. You can upgrade to paid hosting over time. The advantage is no cost, but the disadvantage is low capacity and transfer limits. Free hosting also does not allow you to set up an e-mail and has advertising.
Most free web hosts don’t allow you to build databases. That is why there are people who decide to buy shared hosting. This means it is sharing the server with other users. This is a good solution for sites with low traffic. The advantages of this type of hosting are low purchase costs and no need for technical skills.
On the other hand, disadvantages include the lack of control over the hosting, as well as the great danger of sharing files and databases with other users. Moreover, the very existence of the website depends on the company that lends the space on shared hosting, which is also a defect.
Big companies choose VPS hosting which has the most possibilities. Creating websites requires a lot of technical knowledge in this situation, but VPS hosting allows you to take advantage of advanced website development options.
This is not possible with free hosting. Importantly, external companies that create websites at the request of customers usually use VPS hosting. Its price is not high, as it is around $10 / mo for a small business website, and for more demanding websites from $20 to $50 per month.
To sum up: choosing the right hosting for your website should be guided by your budget and expectations for the future.
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